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Mike and the Towfish

Mike and the Towfish

SMURF Surveys

SMURF Surveys



Tiffany Setting Camera Traps

Tiffany Setting Camera Traps


Froehlich CYM and Kline RJ. 2015. Using population metrics to compare the effects of artificial reef density. PLoS ONE. 10:e0139444 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139444


Bollinger M and Kline RJ. 2015. Validating side scan sonar as a fish survey tool over artificial reefs in the Gulf of Mexico. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 137(4):2334-2334.


Sternberg M, Nordlof SE and Kline RJ. 2014. Preliminary Assessment of Wildlife Monitoring on the General Brant Roadway Expansion Near Laguna Atascosa Wildlife Refuge, Cameron County, Texas. Report submitted to Texas Department of Transportation, April 24, 2014.


Kline RJ. 2014. Nearshore Reefs: UT-Brownsville researchers report culverts deployed in 2011 now harbor large populations of red snapper. Currents (CCA Texas Newsletter):2-3,8.


Bollinger, M. A. 2015. Validating side scan sonar as a fish survey tool


Nordlof, S. E. 2015.  Analysis of Variables Related to Corridor Use by Ocelots and Bobcats in South Texas.


LaFortune, T. C. 2015. Species Identification and Habitat Assessment of the South Texas Siren.


Arney, R. N. 2014. Recruitment patterns of juvenile fish at an artificial reef in the Gulf of Mexico.


Froehlich, C. Y. M. 2014. A comparison of fish communities over different reef configurations in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico.


Garcia, A. 2013. A comparison of site fidelity and habitat use of red snapper (lutjanus campechanus) to evaluate the performance of two artificial reefs in South Texas utilizing acoustic telemetry.

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